a story to tell

p/s-nasa x caye aku wat lagu ni.die kate aku ciplak.hahaha.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

10 responses to a story to tell

  1. afifah.ahmad says:

    sometimes in life we gonna face something(s) that is so unfavorable n unbearable that we might wanna explode. we never know what's good for us n what's bad.. so dun take thing too deep inside coz it may actually be the best thing ever happen in life.. :)

    dari-Nya kita datang, kepada-Nya kita kembali

    u played so well, but melodinya cam sgt menyedihkan..seolah2 bjalan2 down di satu valley alone.. (cam drama le plak)

  2. mas says:

    betul la kak..
    mmg tgh depressed psl something.n sy pon jenis yg take thing too deep inside.mcm luke kecik yg susah nk heal.xde K factor utk coagulation kot?

    betul2,Allah ade...

    owh ye...mmg dalam mode sedih mase main tuh.boleh jadi walk alone ngn tambahan hujan renyai2 lps tu lebat...ish,mcm nk wat video klip plak kn?papepon,tq kak~

  3. afifah.ahmad says:

    i'm suggesting u to play Father & Son by Yusuf Islam.. simply relaxing yet meaningful song :)

  4. mas says:

    insyaAllah kak..
    hiburan hikmah

  5. . says:

    got the high talent inside the small body.Allah itu adil.:P
    go2 power rangers!!

    keep it up mas,hulurkan tngan ringankan beban.

  6. apam balik says:

    asek lagu ni je...
    lagu lain???

  7. apam balik says:

    erk. kot ye pun, xyah laa emo2...

    maksudnye..bile buka page ni, asek entry pasal lagu ni je...main la vicor's piano solo tu plak. lalala~

    [hoho, kali ni org xleh nk detect pengomen~]

  8. mas says:

    to apam balik..

    haha.1st time xleh detect pengomen.malunye...papepon,x emo pon.saje x kenal.haha.malu.malu.malu.semalam gi radioshack,tgk keyboard yamaha,2500.fuhh.terliur tau...

  9. apam balik says:

    hahah. YES.YES.YES. [tu laa..slalu blagak sgt leh detect org. kan dah kene skali!!! hahahha~]


  10. dealova says:

    x sngka plak pandai men..ishhh.best2..
    layan emo seyh..=p



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