Tibe2 rase sedih...~

(alamak..supposed to be "this is not an open diary", mmg dah nak delete post ni,tp tetibe ade org komen,terus x jadi delete...haha..boleh ke?ampun ye..)

21st Jan,

i will start my war between physiology and me (HAMAS'ain) .This mid is like the final one!. Wuahaha. Wekk! you need to study the whole subjects, pages and pages until the last chapter coz there is new system which will reduce the marks on the final but at the same time expanding onto this mid. Bla bla bla...Suddenly i feel sad..why? hmmm...i got a comment(with weird dedicated song) from someone that not supposed to be created or reform like that in my life. just don't want to make the history become repeated again (melayu style) .

so,to avoid that 'melayu feeling' come again, we need to enjoy..(exam la!) video ni iklan je taw..

with bob(singer of the year) saje2 version 2007

pray for me ye....exam uh..exam uh..exam uh...
If i were given a chance to write everything, i'll give everything that u want. But, no use to explain everything from a to z square minus 3 (erk?) in the blog, coz we have Allah, right? He knows everything..anything we want..seek the guidance from Him ..insyaAllah..

Hopefully, to those whom may concern with this 'happy' post, please behave yourself. I don't want thing s get worsen by your unpredictable act...(hey,listen, im not your baby shirt,okay..?)


Before u can put the blame on me, (like akon) now go. Walk out the door. Just turn around now. You're not welcome anymore..Weren't you the one who tried to break me with desire?Did you think I'd crumble?Did you think I'd lay down and die?Oh not I!!! (Like i'll survive, yeah?hihi...I told u, im not your baby shirt..)

If once i say NO, it's NO FOREVER! meshi?

Allah is the BEST LISTENER... try it!

bye, muaah. idup mesti ceria,yeah?
haha...(sorry for those whos unrelated to this...)
u can change your baby shirts twice a week but u cant change the goreng gitar for the whole of his entire life...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

4 responses to Tibe2 rase sedih...~

  1. Anonymous says:


    jap2..ni berjangkit emo gak ke hape??? eheh~
    exam nye pasal kan..ermm,dan2 la macam2 hal datang...dan2 la emosi jadi tak stabil eh..
    tapi tak pe, Allah nak uji kita je tuh~

    bittaufiq wannajah fil imtihan...
    doakan kita semua...
    [doa seorang KETUA darjah...ape lagi kalau ketua darjah yang soleh..moga2 dimaqbulkan Allah..ameen]

    p/s: kene cool~ je la kan?? =p

    -mood cool-

  2. gorengTelor says:


    lg skali anonymous x nk wat name.wat la berus ke,gunting ke,pisau ke,daging ke..erk?
    (wat cm x bape nk knal..haha)

    jangkit kot..biase r..nk exam ni,ade plak mambang dtg ganggu.ganggu plak ganggu emosi tuh!tu den tak tahan tu...tu r cabaran exam namenye..arggghh..

    gud luck juge ye utk exam
    (doa ketua..keh3..)

    mmg btol2 kne cool..maintai je..janji hot.kn?kn?kn?


  3. Anonymous says:

    sdp la lagu yg bob nyanyi tu. lagu pe? pastu bob ni mmg klaka yek? hahaha

  4. gorengTelor says:

    haha..btol2..muke bob pon klaka je...
    lagu exist..
    "seperti dulu"
    sore sedap,comel,klaka,"kurus"..haha



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