demam ulam

being a 'perantauan' doesnt mean that u are not able to feel the pleasant taste of 'kampung' foods.for me la,without ulam,i cant feel the nasi come to my pharynx (ha..yeke?haha).so, in egypt also i try to search any ulams (keh3) ESPECIALLY in souq (pasar la..).weird name for example,"gargay" is commonly used as ulam,layan sajalah..luckily,i'd bring bottles of budu (act just 1 coz x lepas kt KLIA).add with lemon juice and chillies..hihi!wah!im so terbang~~~~weeeee

Monday, November 24, 2008

2 responses to demam ulam

  1. mak oi siap bawak kacang botol n pucuk jambu..mantap!!

    ingatkan tanam kat sini..

  2. Anonymous says:

    "cangkul" & "bajanya" x dibawa...xleh hidup subur tanpa limpahan nikmat kurniaanNya~



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